19 November 2012

Little Rock | Bilary Clinton

Day trip to Miami slash NYC slash Indianapolis turned into a day trip to Little Rock! We went to check out the William J. Clinton Presidential Center, my first presidential library even though Carter's is located right here in Atlanta (tourist day in Atlanta, anyone?)

The museum was awesome, a chronology of Bill & Hilary's lives (ps - I would NEVER recognize Young Bill if not in this context!) and of his presidency.

The itinerary for every day that he was president was also on display - IN.SANE.  Starts with a jog every 'tba' each morning, with every subsequent minute of his day planned out! I don't think the snooze button and "5 more minutes" works very well when you're a president.

We drove around "downtown" Little Rock, and not much going on on a Sunday.  We did make a pit stop to the Central High School (well just the outside), where desegregation happened in the 1950's.  This high school is HUUUUUUUGGGEE, definitely carries a lot of history and is still a functioning high school today.

Such a random place to visit but it was definitely a good 1 day trip - you don't get this kind of history in California and I've always wanted to visit these places via the cross country road trip I'm never going to take. 

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