28 November 2008

You speak really good langridge.

So I realised that during my first few weeks in London, I had some serious problems understanding what other people were saying - and they were speaking English! It was legit like a different language... I wouldn't even pay attention if two British people were talking to each other cuz I swear they were talking too fast for me to understand. What was even FUNNIER was when they started to point out to me what kind of weird ass American shit I say all the time.

So everytime people ask where I'm from, I say California - NOT the U.S... I got tired of the negative connotations associated with the country after my study abroad experience in Greece. So of course they'd have to ask if I'm from the O.C. and if I'm friends with Jessica Simpson. I don't know, is Queen Elizabeth your aunt?

So after about a month, I stop saying "hella" (which even my American flatmates thought was ridiculous that I used hella in every freaking sentence) which I copied with by doubling up my usage of "effing." I told my flatmate that I hated pork and LOVED spinach salads and sandwiches with pesto - which apparently was all "typical californian." (whatever Sean... just cuz you didn't like my vegetable cooking!)

My friends thought it was hiLAAAAAAAAARRRRRious to imitate the way I said "oh.my.god" about how everything I did was the craziest thing.....EVER!!!! And if you ever say anything I don't understand or don't have a repsonse to..expect a "No waaaayyyy! Are you SERIOUS?!" And seriously, do only Americans talk in acronyms while shooting each other? OMGWTFBBQ!??!?! (best password EVER btw).....Wow, I really am effing American.

And then there was the time I was telling everyone how I needed to get my bangs trimmed and Lauren asked "what. on EARTH. are bangs." -- FRINGES! Learn something new everyday.

And for some eye candy:
... hard at work...

view from my desk

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